Monday, July 25, 2011

John's Attempt To Get Less Fat, update 3

Editor's note: I will continue to post these Monday updates throughout the hiatus of my regular blogging.

Alright so facebook users saw the photo I posted on Friday of a sweat-soaked me after finally breaking a 20-minute mile (19:41 to be exact) and I continued walking until I hit somewhere around half of a 5k distance.

That was quite the accomplishment for me, but the sad reality is that if I could double that at the same speed, I'd be looking at a time of more than one hour for my 5k, which would have me in hella dead last. Last year's slowest walker finished in 47 minutes or so. So again, lots of work to be done.

Also, prior to this past weekend of poor dietary decisions, I had lost another pound for a total of 14 pounds lost since beginning the process. I've read on some running forums that somehow running doesn't help you lose weight...which is odd, but whatever.

The legs were really burning Friday so I stayed off them this weekend save a brief walk around my apartment complex Sunday just to keep them loose.

Need to buy some running shoes soon, maybe also some better shorts for running than the ones I have.

I think we're at a crucial point here. Though I had some success Friday, I didn't follow the workout plan to the letter because my legs hurt too bad. I've seen some progress, but I don't think I'm developing as fast as the program is moving. What's weird is that cardio wise, I feel plenty of the improvement, it's the bones and muscles that aren't cooperating.

Today I'll try the program workout, but if I can't keep up, I'll back up to last week and do that workout again to give my body more time to acclimate. I don't want to overdue it and get hurt or I know I'll quit, so that sounds like the safe bet.

Also, I joined the Runner's World forum, which is pretty cool. People there are very supportive.

Today's workout: 5 minute warmup, Run 90 seconds, walk 90 seconds. Run 3 minutes, walk 3 minutes. Repeat twice (I think).


  1. I don't get why running wouldn't help someone lose weight. It's one of the most intense cardio workouts you can do. I could see weight training but come on, running?

  2. Yeah, I think it's helping me, just slower than I'd like.
