Friday, July 15, 2011


In one of my next few blogs I will address that I have been guilty of pushing a heretical belief on this blog. While listening to the great radio show, Catholic Answers Live, I found that my belief in right and wrong as things that are made that way simply by God saying so is a heretical view.

I will research this better, explain what I had believed, and post the correct teachings as soon as I collect them. I will then go back and add a header to the archived affected blogs, pointing out the error.

It was my honest opinion at the time and I didn't know it conflicted with Church teaching. I apologize.

Matt and Dungy, in cases where I was discussing Church beliefs on this matter I may have erred and I apologize for giving bad info. I'll do better research in the future.


  1. I'm actually (after all the heated exchanges of late) sincerely interested in this topic, with no malice intended.

    There's a bit associated with Socrates, revolving around the question "Is it right because the Gods say so? Or do the Gods say so because it's right?" that might be relevant.

  2. So does this mean the Euthyphro Dilemma is considered a serious conundrum by the Catholic Church?

  3. Apparently Aquinas wrote about it.
