Tuesday, August 16, 2011

John's Attempt To Get Less Fat, update 6

Ok folks, sorry I didn't post this yesterday, I'd say I got busy but really I was just reading the sequel to A Game of Thrones, called A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin. Good stuff.

So we're back on the workout wagon.

Last Friday I went for a ping pong session with Todd (I won 4 games to 3) and I was pretty sore after but a weekend of recovery helped. We played Friday since I was out sick Tuesday.

The best part of the last few weeks Kelli and I took off to heal is that when I got on the scale Friday, expecting the worst, I'd still lost two pounds. Score one for better food choices, even though there were some diet busters in there.

So for you keeping score at home, I started at 336, now I weigh 320.

We're easing back into 5k prep so yesterday we went for a mile walk outside with hills and such. No pain today, so that's good.

Tomorrow's plan is to walk 1.5 miles minimum and 2 miles if possible. I'm going to work up to walking a 5k before I can run one. I got too ambitious, greedy if you will, last time out.

I think though that I COULD walk a 5k now, it would just take a long while. But a week or two of walking is the plan before getting back to the Couch to 5k running program. Slow and steady finishes the race eh?

As for now, there is no schedule 5k for us but I hold out hope that if we build up well, we could do that Cyclones thing in October. I'd really like to do one before the year is out and weather becomes a concern eventually.

Kelli though may have tossed in the running towel. My lovely wife is in better condition than I but her body seems to be a little less forgiving at times. She's still training to at least improve walk time.

Alright. Looking forward to the weekend btw. Heading to Cincinnati for Kelli's mom's 60th bday party and Sunday's Blink 182 concert. Kudos to my youngest sister Mary for scoring tickets.

That's all for today. Come on back now ya'hear?

Today's Workout: Ping pong with Todd (and maybe a couple others) at the YMCA
Last Weigh in: 320 lbs

1 comment:

  1. Don't know where my comment went....so
    Good job on the weight loss, healthier food choices and walking. I am very proud of your progress...don't stop.
