Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Reading the Death of Superman

Just finished reading the above.

Spoilers below.

In 1992, DC Comics killed Superman. He fought Doomsday across the nation, but Doomsday fucked up the entire JLA (or some version of it) and eventually he and Superman killed each other with their last blows.

First, good story. Clunky, clumsy dialogue though, it was the early 1990s. The art isn't bad, but it's not mind blowing with the exception of a few full page panels that are quite powerful.

Here are my main drawbacks, and keep in mind I was 9 when this came out and not yet a comic fan.

Where the hell was Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash or even Aquaman. Why was Maxima and Booster Gold and the Blue Beetle the ones trying to help Superman? Why was the super hero world's junior varsity team battling the only thing in the world that can kill superman?

I don't get it. Maybe there is a really good answer for this but none of it is addressed in the story.

Positives, this book does Superman well. Yes, he's really better than you. He cares about humanity too much. He can't afford to retreat and think things over because more people will die. When Lois and Jimmy get in the way of things, he steps up to a level even he probably didn't know he had.

Superman is disliked because he's rarely challenged and he's hard to kill, but this story shows a man who, regardless of how hard he is to kill, is willing to die for his adopted planet. He fights hard and wins with his last breath.

I give it 2.8 of 5 stars. Give it a read when you start to run out of other comics to read.


  1. The other heroes were on vacation.

    Anyway, I think Superman is better off with Booster Gold and Blue Beetle than he is with Aquaman.

  2. This one, it's just a two word review, really. It just says: "Shit Sandwich".
