Monday, May 23, 2011

Open Letter to Mr. Camping

An open letter to Harold Camping, doomsday predictor.


So we're all here still on Monday eh?

I don't think anyone is surprised. You're supposed to release some statement today but all I've heard you say to the press so far is that "“I’m looking for answers,” and that you are “flabbergasted.”"

Look, Harold, the other day were were all hating on you a little bit and poking fun. I'm actually sorry. You did right by your beliefs and that's all one can do. Today, though, I really feel bad for you.

Not so long ago my friend Dungy asked me if there was anything that could occur to disprove my faith. (For the record I'm a Catholic) I said there wasn't.

One reason there isn't is that my faith can only be "proven" should we learn to contact the dead or should some kind of crazy miracle occur. Subsequently, it cannot be disproved because I don't believe those signs need to occur for validation. It's a tough spot.

But Harold, you believed truly that you were right, and you got handed incontrovertible evidence that you were not.

To put that in perspective, that would be like God's voice booming from the heavens that Joseph Smith was his prophet, and only the Mormons are his people. In that unlikely event, and were I convinced it was God's voice, I would have incontrovertible that my faith was wrong. It would be crushing.

That has to be hard to take. If you're like many Christians I know, and are sincere as people say, then you just found out up is down, black is white and short is long.

I sympathize, I do.

I'm sure over the next few weeks if the disappointment doesn't kill you, you're mind will backtrack and you'll decide it was just another miscalculation or something to that effect.

But I hope not Harold. I know it's beyond unlikely that you ever see this letter but let me throw this at you.

I believe you are a sincere follower of Christ. I believe you want to serve and please the Lord. You've read your Bible in earnest, and you have seen what happens when the wrong people, in this case you Harold, make interpretations.

God didn't leave it to us to figure it all out by ourselves with each new generation Harold. He gave us the Church.

Knowing your Bible as well as you do I urge you to consider the position the Ethiopian that Phillip meets in Acts Chapter 8. The Ethiopian is reading scripture, Isaiah to be specific.

Phillip asks the Ethiopian eunuch “Do you understand what you are reading?”

To which the eunuch replies “How can I,” he said, “unless someone explains it to me?”

Harold you've been wrong about the Big One twice now. You said the Church age was over but now you've shown again how important the Church is. Come on home.

Best wishes Harold, and God bless.

John Stegeman

From Peta's website, stuff they actually believe.
What’s wrong with eating honey?

Unfortunately, like factory farmers, many beekeepers take inhumane steps to ensure personal safety and reach production quotas. It’s not unusual for larger honey producers to cut off the queen bee’s wings so that she can’t leave the colony or to have her artificially inseminated on a bee-sized version of the factory farm "rape rack."

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