Wednesday, October 12, 2011

John attempt to do something or other

Ok weight update, I downloaded an app that helps count calories. Weight back to 316.

Beat Todd 4-3 in epic best of 7 ping pong series on Tuesday but at the cost of a slightly injured forearm/wrist.

Now on to more interesting pursuits.

My company, IMG College, just gave all of us in publishing Mac G5 computers. They were out work computers until we got new ones. We get these older models free and clear for personal use.

This means I now have the technology at home to essentially produce my own publications.

I've had an idea in my head for a while that I've been meant to merge my skills with my heart and work in Catholic media. It seems impossible to break into this tiny niche industry, so I might start my own publication. I'll need to do a few issues at a loss, make it free, but maybe then I could develop some ad support and grow the thing from there.

I've got a lot to consider on this before getting started but here's my vision.

I don't have a title yet, but it's focus would be on theology and evangelization, not just the usual stuff I've seen (Catholic news, inspirational stories, fellowship etc.)

I want this to be two-fold. First, I want it to be addressed to Catholics, we have a lot of educating to do of our own kind. Second, once educated, I want it to instruct Catholics on how to go out and defend the faith.

If possible, I'd like it to be written in such a way that it could just be left in a laundry room or somewhere and anyone can read it.

I'll probably have to narrow down the focus a lot before getting this off the ground. I'll also need to get more involved and network with Catholics in Lexington. I been down here a while but all my connections are still in Cincinnati.

Anyway, I've got the tools and I've got the talent. I also don't have anything else interesting to say, so, goodbye.

1 comment:

  1. Instead of making "Chick-tracts" for the catholics, make anti-crimethink propaganda with me, and we'll drop them in laundromats and waiting room magazine racks all over..
