A republican senator, Lindsey Graham has now said we should consider military action against nuclear-armed, super-populated Pakistan.
Republican representative in the house Michelle Bachman said on TV that a vaccine that does not have harmful effects is "potentially dangerous" then said "I didn't make that claim nor did I make that statement...."
Except that she did....I watched it. It's still on the internet.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry declared in the latest Republican presidential debate that he had never advocated turning Social Security over to the states.
"Let the states do it," he said last year.
My fellow republicans, you cannot sweep this shit under the bridge by saying all politicians are liars. You cannot ignore this crap anymore.
You are allowing BLATANT LIARS to distort easily checkable facts and yet they still have supporters.
With all this considered, I am currently of the opinion that barring major changes in the way republicans do business, I will not vote for a single, solitary one in the 2012 elections.
I'll vote third party, or I'll vote democrat, or I'll abstain. But I'm not letting them get away with this anymore.
Supporting one of them supports them all, and the ones not speaking out about these lies are complicit in them.
Now the the obvious response I'm going to get from my conservative brethren is going to be two-fold.
1. A vote not for the republicans is one less vote against the democrat's agenda.
Yup. That's the case alright, but too bad. My conscience is clear here. I cast my vote for candidates, not against others. If an issue of any kind is on my ballot, I'll vote for or against based on what's right, even if the republicans like it. I just won't vote for them.
2. But the pro-life movement...bla bla bla
Yes I am still vehemently pro-life and I don't want to vote for a pro-choice candidate but here's a situation to consider, albeit a crazy one.
Candidate Bill is pro-choice. He went to Yale, ran a successful company, has been a senator for 10 years and is a democrat who supports inadequate economy fixes involving raising taxes on everyone.
Candidate Bob is pro-life. He went to Sacramento State and narrowly escaped connection with a cheating scandal. Failed as a talk radio host, was a CEO at a company with some ethical concerns and often makes inaccurate statements about the economy.
Given a choice between the two, the correct decision is to abstain or vote for Bill. But I imagine most of my fellow conservatives would stop reading after the first sentence.
Abortion is an unimaginable horror, but we have a nation to run. The hard truth is, a dumb ass, even one with the noble goal of ending abortion, is not going to be a better leader than a smart person who wants to keep it legal.
And right now folks, I gotta say the brains of the national candidates are working better on the left. I don't like most of their policies, but they're not out there just making shit up left and right and lying about it.
They're trying to govern as best they can. All I see republicans doing is arguing, lying and holding things up.
I'm not rewarding them for their bad behavior.
Right on.
ReplyDeleteI finally persuaded you of something. I'm going to treat myself to a Chocodile.
I don't think I have anything to argue against in what you said. I will add something, though. I don't really think that the majority of Republicans in Congress are crazy, or stupid, or corrupt (at least in the typical sense of corruption). They are corrupt in the sense that most of them care more about keeping their job after the next election, rather than actually doing a good job for the country. They're just cowards.
They see the tea party as we see them, an ignorant dumb mob, only they figure that they need to appease that dumb mob. In a way, they're doing what we tell them to, represent us. It's still criminally negligent, and I'd sew them into a burlap sack with some snakes if I could. But I won't call them crazy, because they're not (a few, well, several exceptions aside).
If we could persuade the Tea Partiers that they need to sit down and shut up, and quit scaring the dookie out of their representatives, the problem would largely solve itself. But I don't see that happening. These are people who don't give a shit that 50% of the nation thinks their crazy. They feed off of it. They figure it just proves that they're on the right track. I talked to some local Tea Partiers at the fair recently, and it's just impossible to get through to these people.
The best, I think, that we can hope for is that they pick a tea party favorite to run for President and an embarrasing landslide for Obama makes them realize they're on the wrong track.
Another thing is that GOP lawmakers have learned a very useful lesson that's dangerous for the rest of us. As long as never admit your lies, 1/4 of the population will still believe you. Just don't cave in and apologize, ever, no matter how strongly you are being urged. And 1/4 will go along with it. And 1/4 is enough for the media to treat it as an undecided matter. Folks like Palin and Bachman have learned this lesson really well. It may backfire naturally, eventually, but apparently not soon enough to benefit us.
ReplyDeleteWe just can't allow people like that to prosper. Under normal circumstances, you should vote on policy, not person. But these aren't normal circumstances. The person who takes this position has to be censured. I condemn them to living death, and eternal hunger for living blood.
ReplyDeleteAn it's 1/4 of the people that are equally guilty for not looking this crap up.