Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A personal update, Chewing the fat, or rather the opposite.

So I decided not long ago that if I am to ever get in shape I needed a goal. In my mind, working out just to "be healthy" is tedious, but a purpose is motivating.

So I came up with a couple things.

First, in the unlikely event you're a new reader to this site, I'm the title character/author of this blog. I'm 27, married, work in an office and when I started my workout program, I was 5-foot-7, 336 pounds. My wife Kelli is also working out and dieting with me.

For the record 10ish days into it I'm still 5-7, but now 325 pounds. That 11 pound loss has apparently improved my ping pong skills too, but I digress.

So here stated for public record are my two goals.
1. I want to be able to run a 5k from start to finish, running the whole time. I want to do this within 12 months of today. Probably less time than that if possible.

2. I want to get my weight down to 275 pounds, as soon as freakin possible. My long term goal weight is 200 pounds. Yeah...that's 125 pounds to lose. Good Lord. I figure to reach 200 pounds is going to be an epic feat but a journey of a thousand miles bla bla bla.

I do have a third and more ambitious goal, but we'll start realistically.

So what's the plan?

Long story short I'm trying to hit the gym 3-4 days a week and watch the calories. I'm off to a great head start thanks to some extra shakes an opti-fast patient (Thanks Dad) gave me but I'm under no illusions that this is a fast process.

My usual gym workout goes something like this:

Arrive, change, hit treadmill for 30-min or 1 mile walk. Usually a mile takes me 30 min and they have a 30 min time limit anyway. I plan to increase my walk speed within that 30 minute window to increase cardio. I recently ran for the first time in a few years on the running track, which may become how I start the workout.

My biggest issue with walking/running is the utter and complete boredom. Playing a sport or something is fun, walking/running is not. So...

Some days the whole workout is replaced with ping pong. I know that doesn't sound like a workout but a co-worker of mine and I play for an hour to two hours at a time and we're both intense about it. It's much more of a workout than walking, even for him and he's in shape.

Next I go lift. I know lifting isn't aerobic and I know it won't help me run, but it gives me trackable progress (I lifted x lbs. the other day, today I lifted more, etc.) and I enjoy it. If lifting gets me motivated, I'll keep it up. So far it's been mostly upper body stuff because my legs get a beating from the walking but I plan to expand on that.

If it's a long day of working out, sometimes Kelli and I will also go swim laps in the pool and I like to wrap it up in the steam room before showering and heading out.

As you can see there is no formal plan, but when you're a fat couch potato like me, anything is a good start.

So there is a 5K in August I have my eye on to walk in. As for running, it would be cool to go back to Shawnee State and do the Bear Run but I don't think I'll be ready by the Sept. race, but maybe next April for spring. Kelli and I are checking out races and will choose one soon to give us a hard deadline. I don't actually know if she plans to run or walk.

Since the year 2002 (9 years ago) when I was a 189-pound high school wrestler, I have gained 147 pounds. That's 16.3 a year. If I can lose 20 a year, I can drop 100 in five years. I think if I put a real effort into it, I can lose 50 this year and then settle in to a more reasonable loss plan.

Anyway, that's out there now. Wish me luck, offer advice/critique etc. and if you see me at a buffet for God's sake keep me in check.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Totally thought that was Karyn's username for a minute. lol

  3. I'm miserly with my praise, but good for you John. Keep up the good work.

    Also a small piece of advice, from my own experience during my Personal Unpleasantness of 2008. Let your wife help keep you on your diet, and don't get frustrated if she says "No". When I had to obey the Diet of the Damned, I wouldn't have been able to do it if it weren't for Marlena keeping me on that straight and narrow. It was an unpleasant job for her, I suspect but it was a big help.

    Hopefully some day in the not too distant future, you'll lose enough weight to motivate me to get in shape ;)
