Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Let loose the dogs of ranting

So I wrote a preview of this blog just for myself last night and after reading it decided I'm not quite as tolerant as I could be. I tried reasoning with myself a bit and climbed down off a few crazy positions but some stuck.

Here's some things I want to rant about.

To the parents of Storm, the gender-unknown celebrity baby, you're either bad or foolish people. I'm sure you mean well and you have every right to believe and teach your kids to believe that gender is some kind of invented social construct if you want to. But A) Don't pretend your leaving a choice open to Storm by doing this, rather you're taking away their choice to live a "Normal" (by which I mean averagish) childhood. And B) Using your child as a catalyst for social change also takes away his/her choice on whether they want to grow up as a curiosity or just another kid.

To the Navy, a 5-5 120-pound woman should not be a Navy Seal any more than a scrawny guy should not be one. For special forces there should be one, crazy hard to pass fitness test and anyone who meets that (and all the other qualifications for the job) should be allowed in regardless of gender or orientation.

Where Martin Luther King's daughter goes to Church is none of my business.

The world didn't end a few days ago, which is cool because I want to do more with my life but not so cool because now I don't have an excuse for not doing so.

I know this isn't new but I'm upset about the ending of the shuttle program. They're the best space vessels the world has seen and we're voluntarily regressing and relying on the Russians and the Chinese for space things... Tell your grandpa that and see if he survives.

I saw video recently of some Mickey Mouse knockoff in a Muslim nation....the mouse is martyred... That's screwed up.

I'm Brian Fellows.

That goat has devil eyes.

The end.

Fun true PETA fact
I just enjoyed the way this one sounds.
"Elephant babies, ripped from their mothers’ sides, perform under threat of punishment night after night, eyes always riveted on the person with the metal hook or the whip."

1 comment:

  1. The funny thing about the Storm incident is that there is a difference between sex and gender. The sex of an individual is biologically defined. A gender is a social role intended to be incorporated by a specific sex. By not giving out the sex of the baby, the mother is merely denying biology.
