Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Weight loss challenge update

So as more people hear of this, more people will want in. Yesterday I created a way for people to join, but I'm capping it at the end of this week.

Everyone's official starting weights are as follows.
Original Competitors (Standings)
1. Kelli (232) Needed to lose 23.2 pounds
Week 1 Weight: 230.6 (-1.4)

2. Matt  (253) Needed to lose 25.3 pounds
Week 1 Weight: 251.8 (-1.2)

3. Dungy (253) Needed to lose 25.3 pounds
Week 1 Weight: 253 (-/+ 0)

4. Jeff  (261) Needed to lose 26.1 pounds
Week 1 Weight: N/A Original weight was wrong, adjusted to correct (-/+ N/A)

T4. Evan (241) Needed to lose 24.1 pounds
Week 1 Weight: N/A (Just joined) (-/+ 0)

T4. Heather (275) Needed to lose 27.5 pounds Week 1 Weight: N/A (Just joined) (-/+ 0) 

5. Lyndsey (205) Needed to lose 20.5 pounds
Week 1 Weight: 206 (+ 1)

6. John (295) Needed to lose 29.5 pounds
Week 1 Weight: 296 (+1)

Honorary Division
T4. Daniel (265) Needed to lose 26.5 pound
Week 1 Weight: N/A (Just joined) (-/+ 0)

Pending. Jason (289) Needed to lose 28.9 pounds
Week 1 Weight: Pending (-/+ X) 

To clarify, hopefully one last time, the situation.

This is a race to lose 10 percent of your body weight. You can accomplish this however you want. To be included in this race, you must provide me with a weekly weight in a reasonable and timely fashion each week by commenting on my blog update about my own weight. Failure to post this information twice results in disqualification. I am a dictator and make the rules.

I'll then post new standings.

The main division are people willing to pay tribute to the winner in the form of whatever he/she demands up to a $5 value, and also to bow/kneel before the winner at a celebratory gathering to be held after someone wins.

The honorary division is for those who don't want to abide by the terms (tribute, homage), but want to play the game for pride.

If an honorary division member wins, they win pride, but the contest will continue until the first main division member claims victory.

Both divisions must post weights weekly.

If you haven't given me you official (means stepping on a damn scale, not guessing) weight yet, you must do so soon or this week will be one strike against you.

Anyways, is everyone finally clear on this?


  1. yep, I will join the main division.

  2. This week, Kelli holds Imperium. Fear her.

  3. You have just begun to witness my wrath!

  4. I will join the main division as well.

  5. Who is left in honorary division? I submit for consideration a proposal to destroy the honorary division. It makes no sense, it serves no purpose in the greater scheme, it's remarkably dishonorable, and so is a contradiction in terms, and it gives quarter to cowards and weaklings.

  6. It's Daniel and my boss. Daniel says he is unable to bow, Jason didn't say why he wanted moved.

    I'm keeping it because it doesn't cost me anything to keep it and it gives more people for us to beat.

  7. I should specify, Daniel is unwilling, not to my knowledge, unable. Hence he is not eligible for the main division.

  8. There is no glory without sacrifice.

  9. Current weight as of this morning 198.4 starting weight 205, -6.6. Don't get too nervous everyone. I fluctuate a lot. :)
