Friday, December 9, 2011

Hey other know you want to comment

So I know that I don't have many (if any) regular Catholic readers, but I know there are a large group of readers that "troll" this page but never comment.

That's fine, but this blog entry is designed with the express intent of getting you to change that.

As a Catholic, I have endure some crap, and I don't really mind. I, and my one billion brethren worldwide, often have to hear these questions/statements.

Why do Catholics worship Mary?

Why do Catholics worship saints?

Why do Catholics believe the pope is incapable of sin?

The Church is anti-science?

And the list goes on. It's really standardized by now. But I have no intention with this entry of answering those poorly informed questions. Rather, I will pose my own.

It seems only fair.

So here is my (only somewhat intentionally) uninformed questions to non-Catholic Christians:

Why do you hate Mary?

Of course I don't really think any believer hates Mary, but there is a disdain, or fear perhaps, of anything associated with her.

Contrary to what many might think, I read various non-Catholic blogs/articles on theology from time to time and outside of Christmas, I very rarely see a reference to Mary.

The Bible tells us a virgin would conceive a son (Isaiah) and we learn that that is what happened with the spirit of the Lord came upon her (Luke). We know she saw his first public preaching of sorts (Luke) was at his first miracle (John) and that she was there til the end (John).

Mary is called by an angel "full of grace" and is chosen to give birth to GOD. There are many holy people in the Bible who said yes to God. Many who saw and did amazing things.

But I submit that no mere mortal was privy to the experience equal of Mary. To be worthy of carrying God in her womb.....just thinking about that should mess with all our minds, to believe a vessel tainted by sin could do that....but I'm getting off topic.

God (Father, Son, and Spirit) are and should always be the source of the Christian belief and devotion.

But we all honor great Christian men and women of the past. Catholics have saints, but we all have memories of those we hold up. Billy Graham will be remembered as such when he passes. Martin Luther is that to some.

But for the honor and praise these men get, I argue that Mary deserves much more.

So I ask again, admittedly tongue in cheek, why do you hate Mary?


For the record, I really know you don't hate Mary....I'm just baiting you into registering and commenting.....please fall for it.


  1. Looks like your troll bait isn't working. Maybe something stronger and more offensive will work? Here, let me help out.

    Hey! Did you guys know Mary was an adulterous whore? She had dirty, nasty hot sex with a Roman soldier named Pantera. Jesus was nothing more than a bastard child!

    Now that's how you bait a troll.

  2. Mary had sex with Pantera?

    Did they take turns, or did they go family-style on her? An important lesson for The Children: If you rock hard enough, you can warp space-time, get bible-laid AND father the Jewish Messiah.

  3. Yes, Mary received hot dickings from not only a Roman soldier named Pantera, but from the time traveling heavy metal band of the same name. She also committed bestiality with every member of the Panthera genus of cats. There's also a Mexican wrestler known as Pantera, and you can only guess which snatch he's been viciously slamming his member into.

    Mary's been on the Maury show several times, but still does not know who the father is...

  4. C'mon people. Get into it.

    You can't just take words without giving them too. It's the season of giving. We're not even asking for money, just comments.

    Say something.

  5. First off: LOL

    Secondly, John, you answered your own question. We don't hate Mary. She is the mother of Christ and deserves recognition and reverence. I don't believe there is fear or disdain for her. So what type of comment are you looking for? I'm pretty sure this isn't it.

  6. As you can see I need all the Christian help on here I can get lol.

    I just wanted any comment. So thank you. But since you asked...

    "She is the mother of Christ and deserves recognition and reverence."

    Agreed. Why doesn't she get it? I assume if asked most Christians would agree with your sentiment, but Mary spends the year on the sidelines only to get tagged in for the Christmas play.

    For all protestants think Catholics play up Mary, It seems to me many protestants play her down to avoid seeming "too Catholic."

  7. How come Joseph spends the year on the sidelines, only to get tagged in by catholics for the Christmas season?

    Whatever the stock catholic answer may be, consider that to be the stock protestant answer for Mary.

  8. I must correct you sir, I don't think this one works both ways.

    St. Joseph and all the saints are revered year round, and St. Joseph has a prominent role as patron saint of fathers, workers, immigrants, the unborn and a little thing called the Catholic Church.
    His feast day is March 19 and I think he has a lesser feast in May.

    So first, I've established that he is honored in two months of the year besides December. Also, there is the Epiphany when the wise men visit (January), so that's four months specifically. And like most saints by virtue of his patronages, he is invoked year round.

    The saints aren't tiered, but it is fair to say he and the saints are afforded less honor than Mary. All the saints but Mary were born with original sin, and none of them provided DNA for the incarnation. None of them were hailed by angles as full of grace or interceded directly with Jesus for others or were assumed body and soul into heaven.
    Only Mary was afforded those things by God.

  9. To clarify, all the saints intercede for us, what I meant is that only Mary do we see intercede with Jesus at Cana.

  10. I stand corrected. It does not work both ways.

    I will leave the explaination of Protestant beliefs to the Protestant believers.

  11. So the analytics showed that 53 people viewed this blog, and only a couple commented.

    53 views is the most by any blog in the last two months.

    The rest of you are cowards.

  12. Are they unique users, or the same 3 people checking over and over? Cause... Yeah, I do that a lot.

  13. It doesn't say, but some of the blogs we had a lot of comments between the three of us have pretty low counts (25ish). That's not a proof of anything, but I dunno.

    I declare victory in this matter.

  14. Also, automated bots from search engines will routinely reverify links, to see if pages are still valid to return in search results. That causes it to register as a hit, even though no human is looking.
